October 6th - 8th

Visit the Grand Mesa Arts & Events Center for some family fun activities, the best Applefest drinks, music, art, and so much more!
Schedule of Events
Edge of Cedars Art Exhibit - Friday - Sunday 10-4
This 49th annual exhibit is a can't miss - featuring original work from artists across Colorado! On display in the Bank of Colorado Theatre!
Authors in the Gallery - Saturday 10-4
Local authors will display, sign, and talk about their books in the Starr Family Gallery.
Gallery art exhibit - Anita Winter
Local artist Anita Winter will have her paintings on display in the Starr Family Gallery.
Fun for kids on the Porch - Saturday 10:00-12:30 and 12:30-3:00
Make an owl out of bark, "what a hoot", create bracelets with apple beads, and create a tile handprint to be mounted in the Hall of Helping Hands!
Artist Alley - Saturday and Sunday 10-4
Artist and Authors will have booths in the parking lot with books and artwork for sale!
Creativity Bar- Saturday and Sunday 10-4
Featuring the Best Cocktails of the Festival! Beer, wine, cocktails & non-alcoholic drinks available.
Creativity Stage - Saturday and Sunday 11-3
Musicians Lineup:
11:00- Spare Change
12:30- Ordinary Two
2:00- Matt G Trio
11:00- Jim Jones
12:30- Mixed Bag Jazz Trio
2:00- Linsey Arnold & Jake Sullivan